The Border Mail

Overactive bladder - a new solution for this common men's health issue

Prorox can help reduce Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms which impact more than half of middle-aged men. Picture Shutterstock
Prorox can help reduce Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms which impact more than half of middle-aged men. Picture Shutterstock

This is branded content for Seipel Group.

Are you tired of waking up during the night to urinate?

Half of middle-aged men experience Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) including poor or intermittent urine stream; straining to urinate; a sudden urge to urinate or having to get up several times during the night to urinate.

These symptoms increase with age and most men think they are a prostate issue, but half the time they are due to a bladder problem.

The prostate is adjacent to the bladder and they do impact on each other, which can confuse the origin of symptoms.

Generally speaking, male urinary symptoms including difficulty emptying or voiding - such as hesitancy, intermittency, weak stream, dribbling and the feeling that your bladder hasn't fully emptied - are due to prostate.

Nocturia (or urinating more than twice during the night) may be due to the prostate, but it may equally be due to a bladder storage problem of overactive bladder (OAB).

Overactive bladder symptoms in men

  • Urinary urgency (or having to rush to the toilet)
  • Urinary frequency (more than 8 toilet visits in a 24-hour period)
  • Nocturia (urinating several times during the night)
  • Urinary incontinence (bladder accidents)

What causes OAB in men?

The cause of overactive bladder is unknown, but it is thought to be a miscommunication between the brain and the bladder.

If you have healthy bladder function, as the bladder nears capacity nerves send messages to the brain that the bladder needs to be emptied, and you can control the emptying.

If you have an overactive bladder the muscle contracts involuntarily, before your bladder is even full, you get a sudden urge to urinate which you can't control and bladder accidents (incontinence) happen.

Prorox can help reduce symptoms of overactive bladder by improving the tone of the bladder muscle and surrounding areas. Picture supplied
Prorox can help reduce symptoms of overactive bladder by improving the tone of the bladder muscle and surrounding areas. Picture supplied

Prorox: a new scientifically proven solution for OAB in men

Seipel Group's best-selling men's bladder control formula is dual-action Prorox.

Published randomised, placebo-controlled trials prove that it reduces symptoms of overactive bladder (urgency, frequency, nocturia and incontinence) by improving the tone of the bladder muscle and surrounding areas.

It also reduces the excessive neural firing that occurs with OAB, and it works faster than other formulations for bladder control with results starting from two weeks.*

And Prorox also supports a healthy prostate.

So, if you're reading this and are frustrated by how often you get the urge to urinate, or are tired of worrying about bladder accidents, or of getting interrupted sleep (one of the most bothersome bladder symptoms) try Prorox, for prostate and bladder support.

Recommended dosage: Take two capsules daily for optimum benefits. Prorox® is available at Terry White and all leading pharmacies.

Special offer for Senior readers: Get $10 off Prorox with code PROTEN at checkout, only on Australian website sales for the month of May.

For more information call 1300 623 616, email or go to the website.

  • *Schoendorfer et al, BMC-CAM, January, 2018. Research funded by the Australian Federal Government and Seipel Group. For relief of symptoms of medically diagnosed overactive bladder. If symptoms persist see your health care practitioner.